what students are saying
“I took Foundations of SEM and Longitudinal SEM last summer, and I have to say this has been one of the most useful learning experiences of my life. The courses were excellent! Everything was explained in a clear fashion with plenty of time for questions and practice. Learning was fun and the teaching happened at multiple levels, such that everyone would have a lot of knowledge gain regardless of their level of expertise. “
“I just watched your short “research as social justice” video. I am 100% in agreement and love the eloquence and persuasiveness with which you make the case and your articulation of the severe challenges and injustices that can result from not tailoring methods to the research questions. Let’s keep doing the work!
“Stats Camp was such a wonderful training opportunity that has, already, found lots of applications in various grant proposals and analyses. As I’ve said to several colleagues since, what impressed me most was your ability to take something that prior to my arrival seemed overwhelming and complicated and make it seem so do-able. AND, not only could I do it but I understood the logic and principles guiding my decisions – an invaluable experience!”
“The summer institute provides a wonderful opportunity for researchers to learn the basic fundamentals of SEM as well as some advanced applications and research opportunities that SEM can facilitate. Dr. Little provides personable “hands-on”instruction in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. I highly recommend this summer institute to faculty and graduate students alike! I hope to schedule this as a yearly event for myself and my team would benefit from this training as well.”
“I really am pleasantly surprised how much I learned in only 2.5 days! I was really amazed how comprehensive and hands-on the mini camp was. The instructors explained each concept thoroughly, prepared excellent course materials, and also utilized applied examples throughout the 2.5 days. I was particularly impressed with the amount of material we were able to cover, which included an introduction to and several tutorials in R, the ins and outs of the basics of propensity scoring, as well as several advanced methods and cutting edge techniques. ”
“Thanks to Stats Camp’s flexible structure, instructors were surprisingly successful at addressing the needs of participants who arrived with a wide-range of statistical expertise. The combination of optional classes on specific topics combined with on-going individual consultation enabled all participants progress with their projects. We got to hear about these projects during mealtime conversations. It was clear that people felt increasingly confident of their skills and ability to complete their projects.”