
The Self-Determination Inventory-Student Report:


Confirming the Factor Structure of a New Measure Karrie A. Shogren, Todd D. Little, Elizabeth Grandfield, Sheida Raley, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Kyle M. Lang, Leslie A. Shaw Corresponding Author: Karrie A. Shogren, Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1200 Sunnyside Ave., Rm. 3134;; 785-864-8044 Acknowledgements: The research reported here was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R324A130065 to the University of Kansas. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education. Download SDI Construct Tables (Word Doc 46kb) [...]

The Self-Determination Inventory-Student Report:2023-03-06T18:38:21-06:00

Doing Good Research and Being a Good Researcher


FREE Preview of a livestream course lecture with our director Dr. Todd Little Research as Social Justice All research is a matter of social justice: Research findings are the building blocks of policy and practice. When the building blocks are made of faulty material, the foundation of policy and practice is at best weak and at worst on the precipice of collapse. If we don't adopt modern methods (which are decidedly advanced, sophisticated and complex), our results will be inaccurate. By implication, the results will reflect a miscarriage of social justice. Methods are not applied [...]

Doing Good Research and Being a Good Researcher2023-03-06T18:38:22-06:00

S.M.O.R.S Software Access Included With Certain Courses


Statistical Modeling On Remote Servers All Stats Camp statistical methods training courses offer FREE access to our Statistical Modeling On Remote Servers. S.M.O.R.S. is a virtual cloud machine to deliver state-of-the-art statistical modeling software applications for StatsCampers. Currently S.M.O.R.S. has the following stats software installed: SMORS will work on any operating system (Mac, Windows and Linux). Amazon Cloud “EC” machines (Elastic Compute) running Windows Server 2012. Each camper is given their own virtual machine. Mplus StatTransfer LISREL R (inclding simsem, sem Tools & Iaavan) Special Software Such as ADANCO Loaded as Needed For Specific [...]

S.M.O.R.S Software Access Included With Certain Courses2022-07-14T16:19:49-05:00
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